Mindset Monday | 4.19.21

Mindset is a fixed state of mind, or a mental attitude or inclination. Over the past year, my mindset has been challenged almost against what I thought was possible. Long term relationships ended, new relationships blossomed, grief showed up front and center, learned a lot about self care, learned a lot about myself in general. One thing that I learned was that you can have some control over your mindset, but in the same rite so can other people. Usually I avoid conflict, so I try to make sure everyone is happy around me, but after I lost my grandmother last year my mindset started to change.

After the loss of my grandmother last year, the pandemic hit. The focus became more about the next steps of survival rather than grief. My relationship at the time was pulled on by the pandemic itself, and things were just full of anxiety and frustration. Things started to build up and kind of fall apart all at the same time. Long story short, the relationship dissolved and that is when life became interesting; scary but interesting. I was thrusted into a space of alone I have never experienced before. I had to reevaluate who I was and what I was capable of. I had to do things rather quickly, but I just did it. Here is where things get interesting.
Timeframe, I moved in July and August 2020 into my first ever own space by myself. I learned so much about myself last summer, it was kind of wild but awesome. In the moments where things seemed to be overwhelming and my anxiety started to take over, I honestly changed my mindset to do what I needed to do and not always what I may have wanted to do. The anxiety got a bit overwhelming, so I sought out a therapist to help maneuver through the stress and anxiety. I started to seek out what I liked and wanted out of life rather what others needed. When I changed my mindset on what I wanted to happen in my life, things started to just happen the way they were supposed to. The relationships that I allowed myself to be in changed, and things just started to fall into place and make sense.

I say all this to say that mindset is truly important and powerful. When you look within yourself and allow yourself to live in your truth, your mindset will begin to manifest. I know this because I have found myself in a healthy situation with someone I never would have thought I would be with. I have reestablished friendships from years ago, and best of all I am more comfortable with myself and allowing myself to speak my mind about what I like and want around me. I can honestly say I am happy where I am in life, love, and friendship. Mindset had a lot to do with that. Environment can effect your mindset, so make sure that you have the right people and things and energy around you when it comes to your mindset. Protect your peace and joy. Always!
Stay happy my friends